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Merry meet, and welcome! If you are interested in the religion Wicca, or maybe just
someone looking into the art of Witchcraft, you're welcome here! I hope you can find what you're
looking for here. If you have any questions you're welcome to send them to me at any time, and
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Blessed be! -- [Bookwyrm]

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Also, to forestall any potential arguments on the matter, Wicca is not the oldest religion
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About the Author:
I am not a leading authority on Wicca, Witchcraft, the Mysteries, or anything at all really.
I am not a teacher of Wicca or Witchcraft. I am not a High Priestess. I am not all-knowing,
and I am not "always right". I am a young woman winding her way down her spiritual path.
A young woman who would like to share with others her experiences and information, in
hopes of learning of their experiences and information as well. I am a young woman searching
for others of like-minds and similar beliefs. I am a young woman who is dedicated, intelligent,
and devoutly spiritual in her own mind. I am searching for spiritual satisfaction and happiness.
I hope that this is enough for my members, friends, and family.


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2007-03-06 [Bookwyrm]: :) Yes there are a few [Vaughne].

2007-03-08 [Vaughne]: thats okay Danny. yeah i never knew there was one! im glad there is!

2007-03-14 [Bookwyrm]: New look for March. Sorry it's late. :/

2007-03-14 [shinobi14]: Very nice, Mothyr!!! Me likey!

2007-03-14 [Willow Rose]: Pretty banner Traci ^^ Those are eggs, right? Very red.

2007-03-15 [Bookwyrm]: Thank you both. :) Yes those are Ostara eggs.

2007-03-15 [Steph-O-Melon]: ooh they are gorgeous ^^

2007-03-15 [Bookwyrm]: Thank you. ^_^

2007-03-16 [Willow Rose]: I've never seen eggs so dark red xD

2007-03-16 [Bookwyrm]: I like 'em. :D They may be painted. But then again, if you dip them in dye, let them dry then dip them again (rinse, lather, repeat) you'll get darker coloured eggs.

2007-03-18 [Willow Rose]: I haven't painted dyed eggs in years. It was quite fun.

2007-03-18 [Bookwyrm]: I didn't do it last year, but I did the year before that I think. :) It is fun.

2007-04-02 [Bookwyrm]: New graphics won't be coming soon. May not come this month at all. :( My laptop died and all my graphics stuff is on that computer.

2007-04-02 [shinobi14]: Awwww! Now that Jen has left for a while (not permenantly) your wiki is the only good one left! >.<

2007-04-02 [Bookwyrm]: I could take offense to that...but I won't. :)

2007-04-02 [Willow Rose]: I have to join the Wiccaning on Elftown, so I can continue reading through it all ^___^ And see updates.

2007-04-02 [Bookwyrm]: Indeed. :P I should probably do that with your page too. XD

2007-04-04 [Morpheumax]: i take it i have missed alot...?

2007-04-04 [Bookwyrm]: Possibly. :P Check the updates page.

2007-04-06 [L V F]: -hobbles in on a crutch- hey guys and gals

2007-04-06 [Bookwyrm]: Hello [L V F], what happened to you?

2007-04-08 [Morpheumax]: whats with the crutch?

2007-04-10 [L V F]: broke my ankle in five places

2007-04-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: ah sorry i havent been around my comp at thome crashed and im trying to fix it asap...

2007-04-10 [Bookwyrm]: Ouch! How'd you do that?

Aww, sorry about your computer. :( I hate it when that happens...

2007-04-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: i didnt know their was five different things in your ankle to break!

2007-04-13 [L V F]: There arent. I broke one two bones one twice the other once and i think they are the actually bones in my leg. Then i broke the actuall ankle twice. and i was multitaskin g and walking on ice.

2007-04-14 [Steph-O-Melon]: ouch. thats one thing that always made me nervous up north lol hope you feel better :(

2007-04-16 [L V F]: Ah im allright healing up quicker than normal. -loves not being completely human-

2007-04-16 [Bookwyrm]: ...

2007-04-19 [L V F]: -shrugs- I got maybe 3 more weeks of therepy than im done.

2007-04-19 [Steph-O-Melon]: well thats good

2007-04-20 [L V F]: yepo!

2007-04-24 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: hey yall

2007-04-26 [Bookwyrm]: -shakes the wiki happily-

Hello and blessed be to all! ^_^ Witchy is back and feeling positively radiant! I've got big plans to renovate and redecorate this place. It needs a good scrub down and some new additions as well...and I'm starting to "get my groove back" as they say. ^_^ So wake up Witches, Wiccans, and everyone else! It's time to bring The Wiccaning back to LIFE!

2007-04-26 [shinobi14]: Yes!! We have her back! Blessed be, Traci!

2007-04-26 [Bookwyrm]: :D And to you! ^_^ I'm very glad to be back. I didn't realize how much I missed it here. I'm getting my laptop back soon, so a new layout will definitely be in order for next month. I'm getting married May 19th, so though I'll be busy, I'll still be working here. If I disappear just before the wedding...NO ONE WORRY! I'll be back. ;) There's just much to be done and I'll have to get new internet when I move out. But don't worry...I can't keep away from here for too long without going crazy. ;)

2007-04-26 [shinobi14]: Im the same... And the very best luck for the wedding, Traci. ^-^

2007-04-26 [Bookwyrm]: Aww, thank you. ^_^ It's been hectic lately, and I think ever since my thyroid radiation therapy I've been a little messed up. I feel like I did back before it though. Or at least...almost. Much better anyway. ^_^ So it's been nice. And, of course, it'll be a definite upswing for this place. -dusts off the wiki cheerfully-

2007-04-27 [Steph-O-Melon]: congrats so much on the wedding are you getting excited?

2007-04-27 [Bookwyrm]: Extremely. ^___^ I really can't wait now. I mean I've been with Scott for five years now...the wedding just can't come soon enough. ^___^

2007-04-29 [Steph-O-Melon]: are you getting all the plans picked out and your dress?

2007-04-29 [Bookwyrm]: Yep. I've had my dress for a few months now, I'm just waiting on the alterations to be done. I'm calling the lady tomorrow to see if the dress is ready for me to try on and pick up. All that's really left is for the groomsmen to get their stuff done and then get the stuff for the reception. Oh and the photographer. We've got someone in mind but we're trying to make sure we have enough to pay her.

2007-04-29 [Bookwyrm]: Okay! All next week I have finals for college, so those two pages probably won't be worked on too much until after I'm done with that. Then I'll have a bit of free time, during which I'll mostly be getting prepared for the wedding and moving out, however I'll probably have time to work on the wiki more. ^_^

2007-05-01 [Steph-O-Melon]: sweet good luck on the finals as well, im glad your having a happy time ^^

2007-05-01 [Bookwyrm]: Thanks! I'll need it. XD The closer the finals loom the more nervous I become. But I'm pretty relaxed overall. :D Thanks again. ^_^

2007-05-05 [Steph-O-Melon]: hehe ^^ speaking of weddings

i just got a car from one of my dads close friends for graduation (84 thunderbird ^^) and him and his girl are going to get married on halloween this year a full out wiccan wedding its going to be so kewl i cant wait!

2007-05-05 [Bookwyrm]: Nice! And congratulations to them (and you for the car XD)! We would've liked to do something like that, but for simplicity we're not. XD When we get to a point where we'd like to renew our vows, I'd prefer them be done under a priestess.

We finally found a decent apartment for a decent price. Unfortunately we can't move in until June 1st, but my grandmother said we could stay with her until the 1st. I hate to bum off her, but we don't really have a choice. :( Oh well, at least we've got a place. ^_^

2007-05-06 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah congrats on finding a place thats totally awsome

the best things are worth waiting for ^^

2007-05-06 [Bookwyrm]: Thank you! ^^ Yes, I suppose. I just don't like the idea of living with my grandparents after I get married. Makes me feel like I'm bumming off them.

2007-05-06 [Steph-O-Melon]: well when you get enough saved up you can do something for them thats really nice to say thank you. then maybe you won't feel so bad

2007-05-07 [Bookwyrm]: Good plan! :D I'll keep that in mind. ^_^ I'll call it my "Granny Fund" XD

2007-05-07 [Steph-O-Melon]: hehe thats a cute name for it ^^

2007-05-08 [Bookwyrm]: -dances- All right! Got through my first final today with a score of 91! That means I DEFINITELY passed that class with an A as the lowest grade I got was an 87, and all my other grades were 90+. The other two are tomorrow, and after they're done I'll be able to spend a little more time working here. ^_^ Yay!

2007-05-09 [Steph-O-Melon]: congrats!!! i have my finalls in a week and a half i think im absolutly dreading english and spanish tho...

2007-05-09 [Bookwyrm]: Awww, don't be! I'm sure you'll do better than you think you will. I thought I'd be awful at my microcomputer applications final, but that was the one I made a 91 on. :D I haven't gotten my scores for my other two yet, though I skipped a lot on my accounting final because I missed one class that happened to cover a LOT of the final. :( I didn't know how to do it. If I get everything I did do right, though, I should make at the very least an 80+. :D

2007-05-09 [shinobi14]: 91?? Thats brilliant, Traci!! =D


Y yo tambien espero que apruebo mis examenes. =S

2007-05-09 [Bookwyrm]: Thank you! ^_^

-blinks- Boy I'm glad I'm not having to take a Spanish final. I never took that class. XD

2007-05-09 [shinobi14]: Meh, you might as well have, its amazingly easy! You could learn the language in a few months!

2007-05-09 [Bookwyrm]: Well, we were supposed to take it in tenth grade, but I was barely there that year, and before we'd even passed the halfway mark I was taken out and put into homeschooling.

2007-05-09 [shinobi14]: Wow... homeschooling... different. (i wont dare say easy) >.<

2007-05-09 [Bookwyrm]: Well, I don't know. It was a good school, anyway. Finished a year and a half early. :D Which was really good because the school was a good few hours away from home and it was hard getting up there to get my assignments and turn in work.

2007-05-09 [shinobi14]: Yerrsss... I would imagine it would be a pain. >.<

But where did you work harder?

2007-05-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: my spanish teacher is a nice person but as a teacher she's horrible she grew up knowing both english and spanish and she doesnt seem to get how it is to actually know one and learn another... very hard most of the class is near failure and that include some of the spanish kids

2007-05-10 [Bookwyrm]: Homeschool. Definitely. The subjects were more in-depth and I learned more than I ever learned in public school. I had terrible math teachers for three years and so I was awful at math. I learned enough to get me into a decent math class in college (which I wouldn't have without it) and, after I remembered what I learned from there, I was able to make such grades in that class that I was exempt from my final (a feat that would've been impossible otherwise, I've always been TERRIBLE in math).

Hahaha same with our old Spanish teacher, except on top of all that--she was sick almost as often as I was, so we had irregular teaching styles. I don't think anyone from that school knows Spanish fluently, but at least they can pick apart phrases well enough. XD

2007-05-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol yeah her whole system is kinda out of wack... eh.

id love to homeschool but i cant stand being around my mother a full day without ripping my hair out. if i had my own house heck yess! lol but im not that lucky... or rich XD

2007-05-11 [Bookwyrm]: Ahaha I didn't have to worry about that. My grandparents were gone at work all day, so I had the house to myself every day. It was nice, but lonely.

All right guys, here's the scoop. I still haven't gotten my laptop cord, and as May is getting toward the middle, it may be June before any new graphics crop up. I know I said I'd have them this month, but I just don't have the stuff that I need on this computer. Also, things are going to be a bit slow for a few weeks, as my wedding is next weekend. And as for my grandfather, well...his cancer isn't getting any better, so they're just going to send him home and make him as comfortable as possible while he's still here with us, so I'll probably be spending more time with him while I can. Don't worry, I'm still working here...I just...Family comes first. :) Love you guys! -hugs- Blessed be!

2007-05-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: dont worry about it hun! things are a lot more important then this by far! im sorry about your grandpa and congrats on the wedding again -hugs-

2007-05-12 [Bookwyrm]: -nods- I know, but this is still important to me. :) But again, family is definitely more important. ^_^ Thanks...I'm starting to get nervous. XD

2007-05-12 [{{DAt MARRiEd lAdY}}]: love withcchcraft

2007-05-12 [Bookwyrm]: That's nice dear.

2007-05-13 [Steph-O-Melon]: ^^ dont worry its going to be amazing -hugs-

2007-05-14 [Bookwyrm]: -smiles- Thanks. :) -hugs back-

2007-05-14 [Steph-O-Melon]: you have to take pictures lots of em

2007-05-14 [Bookwyrm]: Of course! Well, I'm not taking pictures...but there will be a photographer! XD

2007-05-14 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol that'd be cute standing at the alter during the cerimony taking pics of everyone else ^^

2007-05-14 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- Yeah, it would. It'd be something we'd do. Or have the minister do it. XD I'm thinking of saying "Sure" instead of "I do", because that's what I said when Scott first asked me to date him, and when he asked me to marry him. XD It's kind of a running joke with us.

2007-05-14 [Steph-O-Melon]: aww thats so awsome!! awww!!

2007-05-15 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- Thankee. ^_^

2007-05-16 [Steph-O-Melon]: everyone would be all omg! how can she just say it like that (if they dont know) and you guys will absolutly LOVE it hehe thats so awsome XD

2007-05-16 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- Yeah, that would be great. XD Actually, knowing our families they'd just laugh their heads off...which might be an improvement for some...XD Just kidding.

2007-05-16 [Steph-O-Melon]: XD is everything comming together okay?

2007-05-16 [Bookwyrm]: As well as to be expected. XD Finally got our photographer...TODAY. I think we've got the wedding and reception covered. My granny was SUPER sweet and bought us a night at a nice little honeymoon suite at the hotel I wanted to go's got a king sized bed with a view overlooking the bay. ^__^ I'm so excited. Our families have really pulled through on this, and I couldn't be more thankful. Without them this wedding never would've gotten off the ground. Mind you, without some of them the wedding would've gotten off the ground with a lot less baggage. XD It'll all turn out all right, though. ^_^

2007-05-16 [Steph-O-Melon]: that sounds just great! im so happy for you!! ^^

2007-05-16 [Bookwyrm]: Thank you! ^_^ I can't believe it's mere days away. -ish nervous-

2007-05-17 [Steph-O-Melon]: is starting to get hard to sleep at night?? ^^

2007-05-17 [Bookwyrm]: Extremely. I barely sleep at all. XD Haven't slept well in about a week now. XD

2007-05-17 [Steph-O-Melon]: hehe i figured as much im getting excited about school ending and i cant sleep much n e more... i can about imagine what your going through lol

2007-05-17 [shinobi14]: I cant... you must be so nervous!! *hugs*

Well, i wish you the best of luck, Traci. ^__^

2007-05-17 [Bookwyrm]: -hugs all- Thanks guys! ^_^ Two more days!! :O I probably won't be around until Tuesday. May be on tomorrow, I'm not sure yet. ^^ -huggles- Love you guys!!

2007-05-17 [shinobi14]: I dont blame you for it... i would stay off until its all over... gives you a chance to get REALLY nervous! =D

Anyway... Good luck... And get married!! ^__^ <img:dand-gif.gif>

2007-05-17 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- I don't want to REALLY get nervous. I've been keeping myself busy so I won't!! But I will be busy all day tomorrow, so I may just come home and pass out. XD

Awww, thank you! ^_^ -hugs-

2007-05-17 [Steph-O-Melon]: no one actually WANTS to lol i dont think theirs a way to stop it... just ways of distracting yourself ^^ hehe i wish i could see you guys tho it sounds so fun! lol its been years since ive been to a wedding lol but i get to go to one next halloween ^^ its a wiccan one -squee!!- gunna be fun ^^

2007-05-18 [Bookwyrm]: I would hope this would be the last wedding I go to for a while, but my cousin is having her wedding the weekend after our's. XD

2007-05-18 [Steph-O-Melon]: hehe hehe are you guys gunna go to it? or is that still your honeymoon?

2007-05-19 [Bookwyrm]: No, we'll be back from our honeymoon by Monday evening, as Scott's got work Tuesday morning. I'll be going to the wedding, but he won't be--work. But that's okay. ^_^ If he doesn't go, that just means I don't have to stay too terribly long. XD I can just say I've got to get home and get dinner ready or something. XD I'm awful.

2007-05-19 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol well its the truth ^^ its one thing if your with someone but going alone is something else. Plus it makes it a lot more easier to make excuses ^^ hehe

2007-05-21 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- True. Turns out he'll probably be there unless he gets in late. The wedding is late enough in the evening for him to get home in time to go. -evil grin- By the way...we're back. XD

2007-05-21 [shinobi14]: Back? ^__^ YAY!!

2007-05-21 [Bookwyrm]: Yep! I'm probably about to take a nap though. -giggle- The waves were rough today at the beach, and I'm a small person, so I had to fight to stay above water. XD I'm TIRED!

2007-05-21 [shinobi14]: Go on, off you go to bed, Traci. There are plenty of big days ahead. XD

Actually, i think i may join you. Good night. =]

2007-05-22 [Steph-O-Melon]: sounds really fun tho i havent been to the beach in FOREVER.

2007-05-23 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ I slept hard yesterday and last night. XD I was so exhausted. But I woke up happy and well-rested so it's all good. The beach was a lot of fun. I hadn't been in years, so it was a nice treat. ^_^

2007-05-23 [Steph-O-Melon]: aww thats so great -hugs- im really glad you had fun ^^

2007-05-23 [Bookwyrm]: -hugs back- Thank you so much. ^_^ Unfortunately we're likely to have two deaths in the family this week. Scott's grandmother has been given 48 hours to live, and my grandfather is...well he's not doing well. They may live longer, but it's unlikely. At the very least, they won't be hurting anymore. :(

2007-05-23 [Steph-O-Melon]: -hugs agian- im so sorry to hear that hun. i truly am...

2007-05-23 [Bookwyrm]: It's all right. It's easy to see that they're both going to a better place than here, so we've no real reason to be sad. It's not a happy thing, really, but it isn't something unbearable. My main concern is taking care of my granny and his grandpa, since it's really their loss.

2007-05-23 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah thats true a much better place indeed. are they taking it hard?

2007-05-23 [Bookwyrm]: Well, I can't speak for Scott's grandpa...but my granny seems to be taking it fairly well. She's definitely not happy about it, of course, and she can't help but worry and cry a bit now and then...but I know she realizes there's nothing she can do to stop him from going, and that he will be better off there than here. All the don't want to lose a loved one. You want to be happy for them, but at the same time it's natural to be a little selfish. It's just hard. :/

2007-05-23 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah well i send my love for everyone. its a hard thing to go through i lost my great grandpa at the end of last year and even tho i had never met him i still felt like crying every now and then.

2007-05-23 [Bookwyrm]: -hugs- I appreciate that. ^_^ I'm sure my family does as well. I know what you mean. I haven't lost a family member in a few years, and it's going to be rough but...I think everything will work out for the better in the end. :) The Divine always has a more knowledgeable plan than we think.

2007-05-23 [Steph-O-Melon]: oh yes they do ^^ my friend mikey died a year ago the 16th from falling on his head while he was skateboarding. He was a organ donor and had an extra organ (i forgot which) and saved the lives of 2 people. i really miss him tho he was a good kid. ^^

2007-05-23 [Bookwyrm]: Awww, that's so wonderful. :) Not that your friend died, of course, but that his death resulted in saving the lives of two other people. I'm sure those people's families, and those people themselves were very grateful. :)

2007-05-23 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah i thought it was really kewl ^^

2007-05-23 [shinobi14]: Hmm... I know how you feel about loss, Traci. Ive lost all four of my grandparents... =/ So yeah, ive missed a WHOLE LOT of unwanted birthday and Christmas presents.

*hugs both* And i DO hope your right about The Divine, Traci. =[

2007-05-23 [Steph-O-Melon]: -hugs- i dont doubt it ^^

2007-05-23 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ I don't doubt the Divine's plans at all. Not to say I haven't before, but I simply can't afford to doubt them anymore. My life, and the lives of those around me, has been filled with just as much misery as the next person's, but the one thing that has kept me going is knowing that there is always something better around the corner. And I've never been wrong about that. And all the bad things that have happened to me in my short life have prepared me for my life as it is now, and have given me the tools to help people in ways I never thought I would be able to. As much as it hurt to go through the things I did, I am grateful for the experiences I had simply for the fact that I can use those experiences to make the world a better place. If the Divine decides that it is my time to go, or anyone else's, it is not my place to disagree, because I know that there is a reason for everything. Scott's grandmother was in a lot of pain, and she has been for many years now. She wasn't even able to walk anymore due to arthritis in her knees, so she had to have everyone wait on her...and all she could do was lay in bed and watch soaps. She died this morning. As sad as I am for our family...I can't help but be thankful that she is now in a place where not only she can walk, but feels nothing but joy and love. And I can only hope for the same for my grandfather. I know that sounds awful, but he's in so much pain right's hard to bear it. He doesn't even know where he is anymore, and he just wants to get out of bed...but he can't. I suppose one day he will get out of bed...-shakes head- But I know that in the end everything is going to be okay. It always has been, in my experience. Didn't always feel like it, but it always has been.

2007-05-23 [shinobi14]: ..I dont know what to say to that...

Traci, you seem so wise...

And i know how you feel about your grandparents... i feel the same way about death myself. I dont fear it.

But thanks for putting all that. =]

2007-05-23 [Steph-O-Melon]: -hugs- im sorry hun... athough thats a great ass speech ^^

i dont know how i feel about death. im not that far yet. i dont fear it and i dont like it... i pretty much ignore it... thats what i do with problems in life... like my grandpa... i ignore it and dont show emotion... i get it from my dad :/

2007-05-23 [shinobi14]: I dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing, to be honest.... =/

2007-05-23 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah i think its a good thing but since people are in general selfish we make it out to be as bad... and i just havent gotten past seeing it as bad... i think.

2007-05-23 [shinobi14]: Yeah, im always thinking on other peoples point of view... so im always thinking "whatever will be best for them". XD

2007-05-23 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol thats similar to what i do too lol

2007-05-24 [Bookwyrm]: Ahaha I'm not wise...I just think a lot. It's taken me a long time to come to grips with death. And in reality, sometimes I'm scared myself. Having been raised in a strict Christian area, I can't help but feel a little scared of the afterlife every now and then. But I've never once been scared for my family or loved ones. They may have done horrors in their past, but in my eyes they are nothing short of angels and should be treated as such. I don't doubt that where they are going, they will be happy, loved, and much better off. As for myself, I often wonder too much. I have entertained the idea that humans don't have souls at all, and death is simply the end. That's one thing that has scared me very much. But I have never, and will never believe that we have no souls. As much doubt as I've had in my mind about the subject, it's just something I can't force myself to believe. The soul is something that is so obviously there, it's amazing that we're able to question its existence at all. And then there is the subject of the form of the afterlife itself...well...hell seems like an improbability to me. I think we oftentimes like to think of it existing merely because we would like to be "rewarded" for being diligent children of God and would like others to suffer for being "bad people". I guess you can say I'm still fleshing out my beliefs in this subject, but I know for certain that there is somewhere wonderful for us to be when we die.

I think I feel differently about my own death than I do the death of others. For them I am happy, for myself I am often frightened. There was a time when I feared nothing about death. I knew without a doubt where I was going and I was almost excited about it. I'm trying very hard to get back to that point in my life, because that was the happiest time in my life without a doubt. I had few worries, and was almost carefree. I can't be numb or ignore it. I've always been a very emotional person, and I can't help but feel the sadness of those around me and want to join them. If I'm away from them, I'm usually okay. It hurts, but it's much less painful than when I'm with someone else who's hurting.

Goodness...I think I write too much when I'm tired. I can't keep a train of thought. ^^' Sorry for talking so much.

2007-05-24 [shinobi14]: HA! You should write an autobiography, keep you sane, and write all of this down. =]

I agree, i beleive we all have something amazing to go to when we die, simply as a reward for living through this life. Because, quite simply, the world couldn't get any worse than this... Wars, death, suicide, abortion, muder, hate. This has GOT to be hell. So, after this one, the only way is up. =D ...unless you beleive in reincarnation. Which is another story.

I used to go to Church... but i stopped ages ago. Because is God is everywhere... why does He make us get up on a Sunday morning? O_o We can pray anywhere we want... I dont like cold, dark, roomy buildings with ornaments such as a guy hanging from a cross. Bit depressing, isnt it? Surely if he died for our sins, he wouldnt want us to waste our life stuck in gloomy churches.

Which kinda brings mne back to the origional subject... surely if people die, they dont want us to be mourning all the time? I know I dont want anyone to mourn for me! Bound to happen, yeah. Death get everyone down (even happy old me!) so its natural to feel sad when someone passes away... Its just they dont want you to feel so bad. Celebrate their life, not mourn their death and all that jazz.

Traci... if you beleive in God... and you are a Wicca Witch, doesnt that mean you ar doing wrong in "Gods eyes"? Sounds freaky to me, but hey. =/

I think we should not get judged by God for what we beleive in...

2007-05-24 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: bye traci ill talk to ya when i can i am finaly moving out of this town

2007-05-24 [Bookwyrm]: Ahaha why should I not believe in God? God is God. God is the Divine. Why is our "God and Goddess" any different from the singular God the Christian's have. In my eyes there is only one Divine Being, but many different names and faces to help us understand Its existence. I believe that Deity has no set form or shape, and can manifest Itself as anyone or anything at any time. I don't believe in the Christian patriarchal form of Deity, but I have taken a good bit of my beliefs from their's. Their religion is much like any other religion on the world. Their teachings are almost identical, and like most religions they believe that "their way" is the "only way". This doesn't make them wholly wrong, they're just trying to make sure the members of their faith continue to be members of their faith.

I agree that I am not fond of the idea of mourning Jesus' death quite like some do. I understand that people should be sad that he went through what he did, but I think that if I were to celebrate something from that religion it would be his rebirth or his arising from the grave as opposed to his death. But it is not my place to say how any religion runs. I can only follow my own beliefs and faith.

As far as "doing wrong in God's eyes" for what I believe, I don't believe that's entirely accurate. I think that is a religious teaching most religions instill in their members so as to keep their religion in high regard, and to keep their members from "defecting" to another religion, as well as a way to keep conformity among its believers. Not that conformity is bad altogether, but universal conformity of beliefs can be dangerous when the belief system used is distorted and/or biased. The fact that there are still some zealous Babtists out there that believe we should allow the military to "gather up the witches, heathens, and gays" and kill them scares me. Not for my own sake, really, but for the sake of the world. If these people are allowed to take positions of could be something terrible. I believe the Divine gave us free will for more than one reason. We are all different, and we should be given a chance to fully explore and experience our differentialities--as long as we're not hurting or hindering anyone else. I think we are all given the chance to explore the many routes to spirituality so that we are able to truly find the person we were meant to be at birth. I would not have grown and flourished in any other religion like I have in Wicca. It's not that the other religions are wrong, they just wouldn't have given me as much "room" to become the woman I was created to be. Others are more suited for Christianity, Hinduism, etc. In the end, I believe they all have the same chance to reach that level of spirituality we all seek on some level, and the end, they all lead to the same place. Not that there aren't religions out there that are ridiculously beyond the level of real spirituality (cults, more than religions), but true spirituality can be reached in many ways. I don't think the Divine judges us on which path we take, as I believe It has known since before our birth what we are meant to do with our lives. Perhaps I am being too leinient on myself, but I just don't see God punishing me because I believe differently than my neighbor.

2007-05-24 [shinobi14]: O_O Have you heard what he does to people that make idols, and such? Or people that get jealous of his mates wife? Its silly. =/

2007-05-24 [Shatureel]: Well said [Bookwyrm], I too agree that we all come to God/Goddess in our own time and in our own way. 

2007-05-24 [Steph-O-Melon]: I agree you should write a book! I got caught between beleving in a hier power and just believeing in evolusion. I still kind of do. I donno eventually i'll make up my mind once and for all ^^

2007-05-25 [Bookwyrm]: I do not believe that is a correct representation of God. I believe that is what the church has wanted people to believe all along so that they live a "pious" life. The Bible itself was pieced together by a group of, if I'm not mistaken, twelve bishops of the Catholic church. There were many "books" of the Bible, but they chose the one's they thought "most appropriate" or that were "most accurate". While I do believe that parts of the Bible may be true, I believe it is an inaccurate representation of events due to the fact that it was written by humans. Perhaps they were Divinely inspired, but I do not believe it is in the nature of a human to entirely leave their mark out of anything they do. Perhaps I'll go to "hell" for believing that...but to me, it just seems unlikely that not only were the writers Divinely inspired to write something that is completely accurate, but that the bishops who decided the fate of the Bible were likewise inspired to which "books" were accurate. Perhaps it is possible, but perhaps it is not. Humans have a habit of putting their own agenda first.

Hahaha like this wiki says...I am no authority on Wicca or religion in general, I just believe what I believe. If people happen to agree with me, that's great! It's always wonderful to have something in common with another. If people happen to disagree with me, then that's all right too. They have the right to, after all. A book...I think that may give me more of an ego-boost than I deserve. Perhaps when I am older and wiser I can write down all that I've experienced and learned...but for now, I'll stick to expressing myself where I see fit. ^_^ It makes me happy.

2007-05-25 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah, i like it when someone is really strong in belief of any religion like my old am. history teacher (school let out) he's a christian and he's so into it and its just sooo awsome i love him so much lol he was the best teacher i ever had! he even expressed it in his artwork from high school and it just so kewl ^^

2007-05-25 [Shatureel]: I believe that there is something greater out there then any of us will ever truly know. I was raised Catholic, don't believe in the bible as a life style. Do believe that some of it can be true, but that it is the writings of those and the opinion of those that lived back durning that time. I follow my heart and not what is written within the pages of books, because books are written by man and man do make many mistakes in telling the tales as they really happened. We all put our own spin on the events that befall us, it is human nature to do so. I do believe in a higher power, and I do believe that maybe one day I will face that power. Then again who knows, maybe I too will end up in hell, if such a place really does exist. To me hell is right here on earth and I live it everyday. I hope deep in my heart, that heaven does exist, but I have never met anyone who has been there and has come back to tell me it is real. 

2007-05-25 [shinobi14]: O_O

They kinda cant really tell you what heaven is like, or if it exists... they're too bust being dead. And from this worlds point of view, death is the end. Spiritually, we will never know. *shrugs*

We will never know.

2007-05-25 [Steph-O-Melon]: until we ourselves are there atleast

2007-05-25 [shinobi14]: And, even then, we will not be able to pass on the knowledge...

2007-05-26 [Steph-O-Melon]: yup yup

2007-05-27 [Bookwyrm]: Well, I will say that there are those who have encroached upon death's doors and come back to tell us different things. Some even claim to have seen glimpses of heaven. However, it is all in your point of view and your scope of belief and imagination, I suppose.

2007-05-27 [Steph-O-Melon]: yep and then theirs people who speek in tongues and 'tal to god' and such as well...

2007-05-27 [Bookwyrm]: -nods- Like I said. It all depends on your perception and scope. :)

2007-05-27 [Steph-O-Melon]: ^^ so how are you doing?

2007-05-27 [Bookwyrm]: I'm all right. Just veeeery sleepy. XD

2007-05-27 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol me too its one of those sleep all day days i think ^^

2007-05-27 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah...I'm considering it. XD Hubby's at the desktop and I'm laying over here on the bed with the dog and the laptop fighting to stay awake. XD

2007-05-27 [Steph-O-Melon]: hehe well go to sleep then lol

sleep well.

2007-05-27 [Bookwyrm]: Nah. Though I'll probably poof here in a bit for a nap. :)

2007-05-27 [shinobi14]: hehe... "poof". XD

Tell you what guys... im doing quite well for studying! Im really trying to learn all i can about Wicca! (and your delightful wikis DO help me endlessly :))

2007-05-28 [Shatureel]: I dead once, all I can recall of it was feeling warm and happy. Didn't see no lights or anything like that, but do recall my dad screaming out my name, and watching him give me mouth to mouth. Then suddenly this feeling of being pulled back into my body, it kind of hurt.

2007-05-28 [shinobi14]: O_O Errrm... that is one of those things that you kinda dont know if you want to believe them or not... =/

People have said before that they have been very close to death, and their feelings, thoughts and views are like what you have just described... but nobody knows if its the truth or not. We just cant believe them. I think i do believe that it can happen...

And how did it happen... your... death?

2007-05-29 [Steph-O-Melon]: hrm.. interesting not many people get to experience such things. ^^

2007-05-29 [shinobi14]: I know... I agree...

2007-05-30 [Bookwyrm]: Well, we can believe them...however some people choose not to. Once again, it's all perception.

2007-05-30 [Bookwyrm]: Oh, and in case you're wondering why I've been gone so much grandfather finally passed Monday afternoon. He simply never woke up.

2007-05-30 [shinobi14]: *tear* I did wonder... i kinda missed you.

I know its sad, but i did. =/

Im so sorry to hear about your grandfather... T__T Still, at least he is in no more pain.

2007-05-30 [Steph-O-Melon]: im glad he passes peacefully. -hugs-

2007-05-30 [Shatureel]: Sorry to hear about your granpa. I can only tell you what I recall and nothing else. YOu can believe it or not, that is up to you.

2007-05-31 [Bookwyrm]: -hugs Shinobi- It's all right sweetie. And I don't mind being missed a little. ;) I'm just glad he's not hurting anymore. It was killing me seeing him like that. He was always a very big man, and very's not easy to see those kind of people...helpless like that. -hugs all-

2007-05-31 [shinobi14]: Group hug? =]

2007-05-31 [Steph-O-Melon]: -group hug- thats what scares me about my grandpa with his cancer he's a really big stong man and seeing him like that is going to freak me out. he starts readiation the day i get to minnesota...

2007-05-31 [shinobi14]: *group hug* Yeah, both my grandmothers died of cancer... both brain. =/

2007-06-01 [Steph-O-Melon]: im sorry

2007-06-01 [Bookwyrm]: -hugs everyone- It is scary. I won't lie. And it is painful. But stay strong for him sweetheart. He needs that. It's hard to, but at least when you're around him stay strong. I'll be praying to the Divine that he gets better. -hugs- You know I am.

My great grandmother died of leukemia, and that's what Scott's great grandmother has. We think she's next in line. x_x Hopefully not too soon...I feel like I need a break from all the death that's going around this town...

2007-06-01 [Steph-O-Melon]: -hugs- yeah i think im going to be okay im gunna be up there for the time he has radiation so maybe it wont be as bad as a shock it would be seeing he go through it gradually-ish...

2007-06-01 [Bookwyrm]: -nods- That's probably true. I didn't see my PapaChuck until after he'd been sick for several months. So it was a huge shock for me.

2007-06-01 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah and ill be there with my uncle and maybe my mom and my grandmas comming up after me sometime (their divorced) so that will help too

2007-06-01 [Bookwyrm]: -nods- That sounds really nice. ^_^

2007-06-01 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah he has to have radiation 5 times a week for 7 weeks and it starts the day that i get there so ill be there the day it all starts to the day it all ends im glad about that. it'll be hard but i think ill be good about it.

2007-06-01 [Bookwyrm]: -nods- That will be really nice, because you'll be able to see him a good bit. I hope he gets better...I really do. ^_^

2007-06-01 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah i think he'll do well we're hoping that the radiation for his neck will help get rid of it in his lungs as well so he wont have to have lung surgery.. -crosses fingers-

2007-06-01 [Bookwyrm]: That would be really nice. XD

2007-06-01 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah so thats a good thing to look forward to ^^

2007-06-01 [shinobi14]: I pray for your grandpa's improvement... After all, its a horrible thing to have.

However, im sure that your being there will give him strength. You did say he is a strong man, after all... But your love will give him a different kind of strength. And we all need that kind of strength in your lives. =]

I hope his radio-therapy goes okay... *hugs*

2007-06-01 [Steph-O-Melon]: -hugs- thanks hun. im worried about him mental heath too... he seems to be getting little bouts of depression from everything being so overwhelming but once i get up there everyones gunna be busy fishing and doing different things so that should help

2007-06-02 [shinobi14]: Yeah! He will be concentrating too hard on what he can do with you guys to worry about things. =] Sounds good.

2007-06-02 [Steph-O-Melon]: yup yup! so it'll be fun

2007-06-02 [shinobi14]: Indeed it will. XD

Gah! I wish i grew up with my grandad around... =] Everybody says how nice he was. Just a shame is all. ^__^

Ive JUST noticed how much effort and time Traci has but into this wiki... :O Its amazing!!! XD

2007-06-02 [Steph-O-Melon]: oh i know i cant imagine all the hours shes spent putting this stuff up and together!!

traci did you do this all from memory or reference? i couldnt imagine even remembering that much! lol

2007-06-02 [shinobi14]: Probably both... i mean, even i (the Wiccan newbie) could tell you about some of the stuff on here from memory... but she has VERY reliable sources... XD

2007-06-02 [Steph-O-Melon]: sometimes i cant find that good of info and i live around a lot of places while shes in a restricted kelidascope

2007-06-02 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ Thanks guys! It is a little bit of both. I've been going back through the pages and rewriting things so that I can be sure I've written them entirely by myself and then I note my sources so that I can let other's know that I do not claim full credit for this knowledge. ^_^ I mean, I certainly didn't know all I do now to start off with, I had to learn from someone else myself--or many sources actually. But I try to take what I learn, and use my point of view to make it more personalized to me, rather than copy directly from a book...That helps me learn and remember better, hopefully gives you a different perspective, and also prevents any copyright issues. :P

2007-06-02 [shinobi14]: Haha... gotta worry about the copyrights. XD

But yeah, you have done well. ^-^

2007-06-02 [Steph-O-Melon]: wow i really think you should write a book, about anything read. you have the best dedication to things then ive ever seen

2007-06-02 [shinobi14]: Yeah. =]

Hey, Steph... I just noticed that pic of Woodstock. =] Its quite a shame the world cant love like it did then. =/

WOW!! We share the love of cows!!! =D

2007-06-02 [Steph-O-Melon]: omg im SUCH a hippie at heart its unbelieveable!! lol

hehe i love love love cows thats the first animal im getting once i get my own land... probably a miniature brown swiss <3

2007-06-02 [shinobi14]: :O You like the same cows as me!!! XD The tiny brown swiss cows are UNBELIEVABLY cute! ^-^

And im the same, always have been a hippy. (not raised that way though, just spontaneous).

2007-06-02 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol thats soo kewl i always tell everyone my favorite animals are cows and their like 0.o WTF?! lol

i have sooo much 60ies music on my comp and i would kill if i coulda been at woodstock just to feel the freedom and love and not worry about getting shot at or stabbed for rediculous reasons... hehe

2007-06-02 [shinobi14]: You sound too much like me, its quite weird.

And yeah! I always back cows up, like if my friends are calling them dumb animals, then i slap them! Cows are great.

Love can heal anything.

2007-06-02 [Steph-O-Melon]: haha right!

i think its cuz i grew up around my uncles dairy farm up north ^^ i love it there -squee- im leaving the 11th to go back up there ^^

2007-06-02 [shinobi14]: Wow... sounds great!

Anyways, im off to bed now. But just before i go, Ill leave you with a present, hun.

cow lovers unite 

Goodnight, blessed be.

2007-06-02 [Steph-O-Melon]: haha night hun ^^

blessed be

2007-06-04 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ -basks in the love on this wiki-

2007-06-04 [Steph-O-Melon]: hehe -hugs- yes love indeed, its good ^^

2007-06-04 [Bookwyrm]: Certainly! Without it...well...there just wouldn't be a universe to live in. ^_^ Hell, there wouldn't be life at all.

2007-06-04 [Steph-O-Melon]: hehe love makes the world go round ^^

love and peace.

thats what i base everything on. lol

2007-06-04 [Bookwyrm]: -nods- Good ideals to base upon. ^^

2007-06-04 [Steph-O-Melon]: hehe i thought so too

2007-06-04 [Bookwyrm]: -yawns- So tired! I unpacked nearly all of our stuff today! But it felt good to get some work done in this place. ^_^

2007-06-04 [Steph-O-Melon]: i got a lot done today as well i redid some of my room and i bought a book shelf for allllll of my books and it looks really nice now ^^ their not shoved away in drawrs and cabinets now ^^

2007-06-04 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- I'm probably just going to accept the bookshelf my Granny offered us. We're broke, so I'm using a good bit of loaner- or gift-furniture. ^^

2007-06-04 [shinobi14]: Well, its a good idea! ^-^ Especially if you're broke... as I am. XD

Gah, im spending all my time with revising!! Grrr.. lol

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